"Relax your batty."
Jason Grant Quote
"If you are not thinking you can somehow make an impact on the world, what are you alive for?"
"Rich person is the one who values what they have."
"Only the bravest will face themselves and admit to themselves their brokenness."
"Philosophy without action is useless. Action without philosophy is dangerous."
"Truth is that which hurts you so deeply that it sets you free."
"Money doesn't buy you happiness, said vast majority of people with money."
"Your biggest deal will happen when you deal with yourself."
"Hurt men oppress. Hurt women suppress. Healed me express. Healed women impress."
"Contentment is not a destination. Its a foundation."
"Remember that a house is built from foundation up, not from the roof down."
"If there is nothing to be happy about, be happy about Nothing."
"Doing the work is the shortcut."
"Embracing of Truth is the shortcut to ultimate Success in life."
"I don't want to design to my wrongs, I want to design to our rights."
"Being in great company is curative."
"You've won when you own the Now."
"You are always right. Understanding when and how you are wrong is your greatest opportunity in life."
"When you master your inner space, you will start to master the outer space."
"I highly recommend designing from bliss."
"Your emotions will not pay the gas bill."
"There are no bad melodies, only bad arrangements."
"The key skill isn't to learn to fight. It's to learn to make peace with yourself."
"We don't have a single sustainable system in the world. We need a single sustainable system in the world."
"It's unbelievable what resides beyond beliefs."
"Knowledge trumps belief. Wisdom trumps knowledge. Embodiment trumps conceptualisation."
"Absolute subjectivity is the ultimate objectivity."
"Leadership is about showing the right way."
"You know what people fear the most? Lack of fear!"
"Go for plan A and be."
"Dumb people think they are smart. Smart people think they are dumb. Wise people are totally aware of their stupidity."
"The highest fidelity form of imagination is reality itself."
"Heaven is a mindset."
"Hell is a mindset."
"Spirituality is the only way forward after success."
"Wealthy people appreciate art because art appreciates."
"UX Design is when you are not hating on thing."
"Money is not your problem. Money is your solution."
"Expect the worst, prepare the best."
"Fear is the product of your mind taking over your soul."
"To stop being a liability, stop your lie ability."
"Pay close attention to what you are paying attention to."
"When you are truly enlightened, you will know exactly what the most appropriate thing to say is in any given circumstances."
"Enlightenment is the most radical form of self transformation known to humans."
"Don't spend your future in the past."
"You are payin' for your pain."
"Picking flaws in things is thousand times easier than fixing flaws in things."
"Be care full."
"Turn your tears into tiers."
"Be present and get all the presents."
"When you drop all your mental weight, you no longer need to wait."
"You're a-maze-in' yourself."
"To transcend the matrix go from inside out."
"Disciples have discipline."
"We are in the business of reversing evol."
"Reality does not lie. BeLIEfs lie."
"Don't be stupid, stupid."
"Permanent state of nirvana and utopian life is what we're all looking for. The sooner your accept it, sooner you'll get it."
"A masterful sailor uses disparate winds to steer himself in an intended direction. Winds change, intent doesn't."
"Those who don't know, believe in miracles. Those who know, make miracles."
"It takes a great mind to realise you need no mind to realise Yourself."
"To fully transcend the matrix, you first need to learn how to fully leverage it."
"You've got nothing to prove and all to show."
"Adversity causes boys and girls to break and men and women to break records."
"If you are not in love, you are out of love. Some work out that they are love."
"When you don't know God, it's hard to remember Him. When you know God, it's impossible to forget Her."
"To truly innovate with your mind, first innovate your mind."
"Your creativity is in proportion to the amount of self-integration that you have done and practice. At any point in time you are as creative as you can be. To increase creativity, increase the level of self-integration."
"Complaining is cancerous."
"The only thing you can ever gain full control over is yourself."
"When you learn to deal with yourself, you will learn to deal with the whole Universe."
"A prototype is worth a thousand pictures."
"Planet does not need saving. You need saving."
"Drinking stronger spirits will not make you more spiritual."
"The trickiest thing is that nothing is obvious ... until it's obvious."
"Make sure you don’t major in minor things."
"Respect is all I expect."
"Earth is the lab. We are the lab rats."
"The only elephant that was ever in the room is yourself."
"Don’t miss out on the elephant in the room. Yourself."
"Instead of having bigger dreams, you might want to consider spending more time designing your perfect self."
"Be careful with those who are encouraging you to dream more. You are already asleep enough as you are."
"I am I Am."
"If you are looking for more, you are missing your all."
"I don't read books, I put them into practice."
"Everyone wants the beautiful flowers. Few are ready to handle the manure that nourishes them."
"You are already an expert in living an unfulfilled life. All you got to learn is how to point your expertise in a perfect, fulfilling direction."
"When you escape all external threats in the world, sooner or later you will have to face the biggest threat to you. Yourself."
"To solve every problem, you first need to re-solve yourself."
"Clarity is a superpower."
"I'm always interested to hear when you are ready to move from human to being."
"You can't sell clarity through a confusing framework."
"Your head is above your heart for a reason."
"I don’t believe in dreams. I know they are reality."
"To create great content, you first must be greatly content."
"Inspiration is stronger than desperation."
"I finally found what I'm allergic to. It's underperformance."
"A weak person sees bad in good. A strong person sees good in bad."
"You are way too smart to be acting dumb. Rise above the ego."
"Only spiritual businesses are sustainable."
"Sprinkle yourself around everywhere."
"Be fractal, not fractured."
"You can work out the first principles of self and from there on everything is a permutation and combination."
"Answers are always the same, it's questions that change."
"Everyone can be helped, but it's not necessarily my job to help them."
"While you are seeking experience, you are missing out on existence."
"Stop believing and start knowing."
"Wake up into your dream."
"Preach what you practice."
"The only drug one needs in life is life itself."
"You are the biggest obstacle to your own growth."
"Integrate ego. Drop egotism."
"To embrace perfection, you must let go of perfectionism."
"Expression of negativity and destruction is the strongest sign of personal weakness."
"The secret of getting ahead is getting out of your head."
"You only care about yourself."
"The only thing that can ever prevent you from progressing in life is your past self living in your mind as the present or future self."
"Aspiration is stronger than desperation."
"The road to success and the road to failure is the same road."
"You have to first go out of your mind to know how to be in your mind properly."
"As soon as you learn to deal with yourself, you will learn to deal with the whole universe."
"Future is all we have, so make the most of it now."
"The winner loses all."
"People fucking lie."
"Know yourselfie."
"Change is the ultimate variable."
"Stay young and grow up."
"Prophets make profits."
"Be confident in what you know. Be even more confident in what you don't know."
"Pain expresses. Pleasure impresses."
"It's from You to you."
"You pay for your stupidity."
"In the world full of pathological liars, truth is the most valuable commodity."
"We fall in love with one’s body. We rise in love with one’s soul."
"What you possess possesses you."
"Illusion is reality and reality is illusion."
"Future of money is love."
"Simplicity is the most complex achievement."