"Many people think they can change their lives through sheer will power. This is not true. Negative ideas in the imagination cause such persons to defeat themselves."
Robert Anthony Quote
"You can only be compassionate and understanding of others to the degree that you are compassionate and understanding of yourself."
"Do something for you and the world will fall in line."
"You must satisfy your own needs first."
"Don't get caught in a trap that you will help others when you have enough money to help others. You won't have enough money unless you help others."
"Not to choose success is equivalent to choosing a failure."
"Health, happiness, abundance and peace of mind are natural states of being once you break the bonds of negative thinking."
"Everything starts in the mind. It's important that you remember this."
"Reality is the same for everyone, the only difference is your perceptions and reactions to it."
"Major attributes of person with low self esteem are blaming and complaining."
"Children should be given as much responsibility as they can handle at any point in time."
"The moment you start comparing yourself to anyone, you are subjugating yourself to psychological slavery."
"You can only change the world to the extent that you can change yourself."
"We all have to die. Before we die we all have to live."
"The choice is always there and the choice is always yours."
"When you are an expert on yourself, you are an expert on everyone else."
"Fear is caused by resistance to the truth and misunderstanding it."
"We can never be for anyone if we are against ourselves."
"At the being level you are spiritually whole and perfect."
"The only way we can truly heal the world is to heal ourselves first."
"Waiting is a trap."
"Illness is a body's reaction to your mind."